Ceramic coating


The leader in ceramic coatings

CQuartz is a silica based liquid polymer coating that bonds to paint at the molecular level - lasting up to 3 years! It leaves your vehicle with unrivalled gloss and hydrophobic properties, eliminates the need to wax, and makes your vehicle easier to clean! What’s not to love?

What’s included:

Before a ceramic coating can be applied, the paint must be free of defects and prepped appropriately, therefore a full detail and paint correction is included.

-Detailed hand wash

-Wheel and tire cleaning and dressing

-Full body clay bar

-Full paint correction by polisher

-IPA panel prep on entire vehicle

-CarPro CQuartz UK 3.0 ceramic coating

-CarPro ceramic sealant

And of course the trim gets brought back to life as well!


-Extreme gloss - nano technology boosts the gloss to insane levels!

-Hydrophobicity - Water and mud will bead off the paint leaving nothing to stick to it!

-UV protection - Provides critical protection from the suns harmful UV rays

-Self cleaning properties - Dirt, dust and other road fallout are naturally repelled, making it much easier to wash!

-Durability -Lasts for 2-3 years unlike traditional waxes!


Cost for a typical job usually ranges anywhere from $850-$950 depending on the size of the vehicle and the condition that it is in.